Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm screwed

I have an exam tomorrow and I just played 2 hours of dota. I'm an idiot.

I completely blame Sam and his korean buddies. They should know better than to tempt my poor self control but instead I spent 2 hours clicking across my screen and going: "Oi stun him!". And since I don't think I can be even more screwed for my exams I might as well make another blog post although I think it's a good idea not to make a too frequent habit of this. If I get drunk one night the world might get exposed to some unneccessary information.

I played some basketball today and was blown away by just how much asians push and shove. I think we compensate for our lack of upper body strength through sheer force and aggresiveness and a lot of luck. Take me for example. I fluke about 10% of my shots. The other 90% just don't go in which gives me on average a 10% field goal rate. Also, after applying some very basic maths to this, 100% of my shots are luck.

I should study.

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